
Such is Randlab’s sponsorship commitment, that most days of the week you will find Randlab supported function somewhere around Australia.

Your education is our passion.

Randlab is proud to be a global supporter of veterinary education and the largest supporter of equine veterinary education in Australasia.

Sponsorships include:

Equine Veterinarians Australia (EVA) State Meetings

EVA Bain Fallon Conference Silver Sponsorship

Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) Equine events

AVA Hunter Branch Equine Meetings

Australian & NZ College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) Equine Stream

New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association (NZEVA)

Equine Veterinary & Dental Services (EVDS) Conferences

• Toothfest 2021



In addition, Randlab sponsors Local Practitioner’s Meetings, Journal Clubs, University Student Equine Special Interest Groups and Client Information Evenings/Events by request. 

Such is Randlab’s commitment that most days of the week you will find Randlab supported function somewhere around Australia.

Randlab’s commitment to veterinarians does not stop there. Our gastroscopy service (free to veterinarians) has now facilitated an extraordinary 7000 gastroscopies! These popular events have proven to be a great practice-building exercise.

Randlab also sponsors equine veterinarians as they continue their volunteer work in developing countries.

But it is not all hard work and education

Randlab likes to see veterinarians getting some well deserved R&R and sponsors The AVA Sailing Day, Sydney City To Surf, AVA Golf Day, Chairman’s Lounge luncheon at the Adelaide 3DE and EVA’s Got Talent at the Bain Fallon Lectures.

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