Sedative Suite

This page is for registered veterinary surgeons only. Veterinary medicines available to all veterinarians. For more information on these products please contact the Randlab office or your local veterinary medicines wholesaler. For inquiries outside of Australia check with your local Randlab office for supply and registration status.

Randlab Xylazine™ 100 lnjection
Sedative, analgesic and muscle relaxant injection
Product Information Sheet Product Information Sheet - NZ Safety Data Sheet Xylazine Brochure

Active Constituents

Xylazine as hydrochloride 100 mg/mL


Randlab Xylazine 100 is an injection containing 100 mg/mL (10% w/v) of Xylazine for use as sedative, analgesic and skeletal muscle relaxant in horses. Randlab Xylazine 100 produces dose dependent sedation and analgesia through an alphamimetic and direct opioid effect. It also produces muscle relaxation by inhibition of the intraneuronal transmission of impulses centrally in the CNS. Onset of action is rapid with effective sedation present within 3-5 minutes after intravenous injection and within 10-15 minutes following intramuscular or subcutaneous administration.

The sedative effect usually lasts 1-2 hours, while the analgesic effect lasts only 30-40 minutes. The usual response to Xylazine 100 administration in the horse is drooping of the head, ataxia without recumbency, penile prolapse which does not progress to paraphimosis, and pendulous lower lip. Complete recovery varies with the dose administered, however, it is usually uneventful and requires minimal supervision.

Pack Size

50mL Multi Dose Vial

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