
Randlab is committed to the continuing professional development of the Equine Veterinarian Community

Randlab is committed to the continuing professional development of the Equine Veterinarian Community

Click on the links below to find out more about forthcoming industry events.

UQ VETS 2nd Annual Equine Practitioners Conference


Location: UQ VETS Equine Specialist Hospital, UQ Gatton QLD.

25hrs CPD. Registrations open June 2019. Places limited.

Practical sessions 6 x 90 min: abdominal ultrasound for colics, uterine endoscopy, ECG reading, heart murmurs, lameness evaluation, nerve blocks, tendon ultrasound.

Lectures 11 x 30 min: acute and chronic colic, arrhythmias, suspensory ligament ultrasound, hoof distortion, stifle lameness, multimedia to “see” lameness, wound management, frozen semen, epidural analgesia, treatments of cutaneous neoplasia

Cost: Vets $990, nurses $540 (includes meals and printed proceedings); remote online video lectures $170

Also available for online viewing: 11 x 30 min state of the art lectures from the 2019 conference 5.5hrs CPD $200

Contact Claire Girvin

Click here for further course details
Introductory Veterinary Equine Dentistry Workshop and Wetlab


Theory day: 7 February at Murdoch University.

Practical days: 8 - 9 February at Dental Vet Clinic 440 Nicholson Road, Forrestdale, WA.

Speakers: Dr Kirsten Jackson, Dr Clinton Float, Dr Tom Hamilton and Dr Alex Rees

Contact to register

For your exclusive Randlab discount code, contact Michael Robinson:

Click here for programme details

Advanced Mare Reproduction (featuring Placentitis & Foetal Sexing) - A 2-Day Practical Course


Lectures: Hawkesbury Leisure & Learning Centre, Richmond (Sydney, NSW, Australia).

Wetlabs: Agnes Banks Equine Clinic Agnes Banks (Sydney, NSW, Australia).

This two-day practical course (now featuring Placentitis and Foetal Sexing) has been developed for equine veterinarians and mixed animal practitioners with a working knowledge in the field of equine gynaecology (mare reproduction) and provides a critical update on topics of relevance to mare reproduction practice. Whereas previous VetPD Advanced Mare Reproduction courses in Australia focussed on artificial breeding, the emphasis on this course will shift to more general equine stud practice and highlight the hot topics of placentitis and foetal sexing.

In the afternoons, 7 hours of practical sessions (including live horse wetlabs, video and case discussions) will give attendees plenty of opportunities to put theory into practice in small groups (2-4 attendees / ultrasound machine) and to discuss all aspects of gynaecology with the specialists. Practical workshops will cover: ultrasound examination (incl. doppler), hysteroscopy, placentitis (transrectal and transabdominal examinations), uterine sampling techniques update, foetal sexing (transrectal and transabdominal examinations).

Early Booking Discount Deadline: 9 February 2020

Click here for further details and booking

Foot Lameness and Podiatry (Australia)


Venue: South Eastern Equine Hospital, Narre Warren North (Melbourne, VIC).

Early Booking Discount Deadline: 21 February 2020.

Speakers: Dr Steve O’Grady, Dr Andrew Parks and Dr Matthias (Tias) Muurlink

Click here for programme details

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